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Quantum-driven Cybersecurity for the IoT

For EPS customers looking for end-to-end protection of their IoT devices,
applications and data in the field, we recommend Crypto Quantique.

Crypto Quantique Logo


Crypto Quantique has developed a transformational cybersecurity technology, using the most advanced techniques in cryptography and quantum physics, designed to ensure that device security is easy to deploy and end-to-end IoT security becomes standard practice. This delivers the most secure can cost effective end-to-end IoT security platform.

Their quantum driven cybersecurity silicon solution enables vertically integrated, highly secure IoT deployments based on an unforgeable hardware root of trust at the heart of each device. This solution is invulnerable to all known attacks.

When combined with cryptographic APIs from the company’s universal IoT security management platform, the solution creates a secure bridge between silicon, device and software and solutions provider, radically simplifying secure provisioning, onboarding and monitoring in IoT networks. Their groundbreaking software can support both the Crypto Quantique quantum driven silicon but also other roots of trust, where already deployed.


Crypto Quantique has created the world's first proven quantum-driven secure chip design for standard silicon which is coupled to an end-to-end supporting architecture encompassing cryptographic key and lifecycle management.

Quantum Driven Cybersecurity

Quantum Driven Secure Architecture

Quantum Tunnelling deriving unique keys direct from silicon

Key Management System


Visit EPS on Crypto Quantique's website: www.cryptoquantique.com

Watch the QuarkLink
Renesas Demonstration

Watch the Q&A from Secure by Design, where an expert panel discuss what secure by design really means for IoT – throughout the supply chain.

Scalable IoT Security Enabled by EPS Global
and Crypto Quantique Strategic Partnership
Crypto Quantique and EPS Global

​Crypto Quantique and Renesas have partnered to integrate QuarkLink's automated device onboarding and management into the Renesas RA Ecosystem. This enables Renesas to deliver devices to deploy at high scale, quickly and securely.
Read the Full Press Release here.

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